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Grant Funding

Grant funding information for professionals

PCD Support UK supports the medical and research community in achieving our shared goals of improving the lives of people with PCD through better access to diagnosis, management, and treatments. We also recognise the unmet need for improved research in PCD in order to improve understanding of this complex condition.

PCD Support UK welcomes requests for grant funding from professionals either for support with patient costs, small projects or research. Applicants should display a demonstrable interest in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and should be aware that we have very limited funds as a charity and will prioritise funding according to where we see the greatest potential for patient benefit.

We typically fund UK-based applicants, or applicants where there is a clear benefit to the UK PCD community. We are particularly interested in supporting people from underserved communities who are affected by PCD.

We expect awardees to keep in contact with us throughout the project delivery process. For research-related funding, we expect a lay summary of the proposed project and for successful awardees to be willing to share their results with the patient community (e.g. via a live talk, which we would facilitate).

Examples of requests we have funded in the past:

  • £5000 to create a digital PCD Quality of Life tool for PCD centres in England
  • £200 travel expenses to support a family requiring overnight stay for diagnostic testing, where other funding sources had failed
  • £300 towards travel expenses for a Scotland-based patient attending diagnostic testing in England
  • £500 to support attending a conference to present a research paper about PCD
  • £400 to create ‘play packs’ of blowing games for children with PCD
  • £14,000 co-funding a PhD in PCD with UCL
  • £50 for sensory toys for a child with a hospital phobia

Examples of requests we have been unable to fund in the past:

  • £2000 for travel expenses to attend a conference: we determined that attendance at a conference without presenting a paper on PCD would not have substantial benefit to the patient or research community.
  • £1000 for a training course for an individual: we determined that this should have been covered by a hospital CPD budget and there would be uneven benefit to patients.
  • £150 travel costs for a patient, where other sources of funding had not been explored
  • £1000 for a patient to seek a medical opinion abroad


Grant Application Form

Please click on the link below to download the form for applying to PCD Support UK for a grant. 

PCD Support UK Grant Application Form (this link downloads a word document)


Got Questions?

Please email [email protected] with any questions.