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PCD physiotherapy research opportunities

Feb 17, 2025


The PCD Family Support Group is excited to share two opportunities to get involved with PCD research. The first is available to 18-30 year olds and the second is for 18+ year olds. If you have any questions or concerns about these opportunities, please email [email protected].

Opportunity 1: Physiotherapy and exercise in young adults (18-30) with PCD as they transition away from home

My name is Troy, and I am an MSc Physiotherapy student at Leeds Beckett University completing a project as part of my dissertation which has gained ethical approval through the university research ethics system.

We are looking for individuals to help us explore physiotherapy and exercise experience in young adults as they transition away from home, into the workplace and/or education. We want to gain an insight into the facilitators and barriers to physiotherapy and physical activity as well as understanding the impact of COVID-19 on adults with PCD.

The study involves an online interview lasting no more than 45 minutes and scheduled at a time convenient for you. If interested to find out more, please do get in touch to see if you would like to take part.

Please contact Troy Nuttall MSc Student [email protected] or Gill Phillips Dissertation Supervisor and Principal Lecturer on [email protected] for further information.

Opportunity 2: Adherence to airway clearance techniques in adults with PCD

My name is Catriona Benson, I was born and grew up in the United Arab Emirates before moving to the UK when I was 18 years old to attend University. I completed an Undergraduate degree in Sports Therapy at the University of Hertfordshire, and I am currently completing my MSc in Physiotherapy at Brunel University London.

For my dissertation, I have decided to focus my research on the adherence to airway clearance techniques in adults with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. After conducting a thorough exploration, I realised that this is a very under researched disease and would therefore love the opportunity to learn and understand more about adherence to physiotherapy by conducting my dissertation.

What does my research require?

A one-time questionnaire regarding your adherence and techniques used to perform your airway clearance. The questionnaire will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and will be completely anonymous.

Before completing the questionnaire, you will be presented with an online consent form and participant information sheet which will provide more information about the study.

I would be extremely grateful for your participation, to not only provide data for my dissertation but to hopefully help increase the amount of research available on PCD.

This questionnaire can be found in the link below. The password is ‘pcd’.

If you have further questions please contact Catriona Benson directly at: [email protected] for further information
