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PCD Live: Your Genes have style recording now available!

Dec 6, 2024

Does your specific PCD gene make a difference your symptoms?

On Monday 30th January, Professor Jane Lucas spoke at PCD Live on PCD genetics and how they impact on health and management. 

This talk has been recorded and available for you to watch here: 


Altneratively, click the following link to be directed to YouTube: PCD Live: Your genes have style YouTube link


What was the talk about?

What is PCD? Why are so many genes involved? Does the gene that causes your family’s PCD make a difference to the symptoms and severity of PCD- lung disease, fertility, cardiac involvement? What if you have PCD but a genetic cause can’t be found? Watch now to find out. 


Who gave this talk?

Professor Jane Lucas leads the PCD diagnostic service for adults and children in Southampton. As a paediatric chest doctor she continues to see children diagnosed with PCD, and refers the adults that she diagnoses to the new Adult PCD service. Jane leads an active research programme focussing on PCD, with an interest in its genetics and how this impacts on health and management. 


Next time on PCD Live, PCD-ENGAGE! 

Sign up to our next PCD Live now: PCD Live: PCD-ENGAGE Eventbrite Link
